Gold Coast Desalination Project
Winter Series Race 2
Whew boy .... was this a tough one this early in the season, 25km of predominantly flat ocean water and no wind assistance made for a long hard slog. On top of that the race was originally for surf skis and 95% of them were, so it was way lonely hanging on to the back markers on ski's with my OC1 Hurricane. Not that i came in last, i actually beat a few ski's and finished 9 mins behind Chris Maynard so i was pretty happy with my time. (2hrs 24mins)
This race was part of the Surf Ski Ocean Marathon Racing that Paul Mauger has put together along with major sponsors the Gold Coast Desalination Project. Paul has done a top job growing this Series and 63 paddlers lined up on the start line on Sunday. The quality of the field is getting better all the time as more elite paddlers realize this series is going somewhere and want to be part of it.
I've put together my GPS/HR data for this race below just click on the pictures to enlarge.
Finished 2nd OC1 Overall, 9 mins behind Chris Maynard, so pretty happy with that and $40 bucks prize money paid the fuel down to the Goldie.
That 9 minutes works out to 5% which is spot on the Percentage Behind Maynard (P.B.M.) of most of my races. (yes P.B.M. is one of my Key Performance Indicators that i monitor and record)
I didn't feel i bonked at all, but i did get a second wind when i sighted the last downwind turn buoy. (home Leg)
My race plan because of the distance, was to keep to around 160BPM av for the race or i would have bonked if i had gone out harder. I probably could have pushed a little more on the downwind section but the bumps were so small it was hard to pull over multiples, like the surfskis were doing.

I'm still in race gear 'cos the other Guy's finished at least half hour before me on Surfski's.
"Rowdy" aka Matt Carter, "Lat's "aka Ian Rowlings and a bloke in the white cap whose name I don't know ... (only joking it's Dean (Deano) Gardiner of course, multiple Molokai Ski Champ and Aussie Marathon Ocean Racing legend.
All the results here