V1 Technique by Lemmy - Slowmo

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 / Posted by Rambo /

Lemmy Lambert is the co-builder and designer of the Va'a Factory V1 and V6 in Tahiti. An accomplished paddler himself, Lemmy and his team, Taaroa Dubois, Roland Teahui, Steeve Teihotaata and Heialanin Vairaaroa won the Te Aito, Super Aito 2009 V1 races, they also manufacture the V6 for Top Tahitian Teams.
Lemmy was just recently in Australia as coach of a V1 Clinic organized by Erica Hamp, Tracy Horan, the South Queensland Zone AOCRA Committee and Mark Kennedy (Va'a Factory Franchisee in Aust ZuluSurf) I had the pleasure of spending time with Lemmy at the 2 day Clinic and filming him demonstrating basic V1 Technique. The video above is part of that Clinic.

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Huahineboy on January 14, 2010

I'm not sure but the team opt's V6 who win the hawaiki nui vaa 2009 was build by ah-tak. I will ask a friend who know very well ah-tak, and I' will tell you his answer.
For the V1 vaa factory, yes it's the superaito 2009 taarora dubois
thank you

Comment by Rambo on January 14, 2010

You could be right, i thought that too but the vaatahiti website in French i thought i read Va'a Factory. I wiil check my source.

Or was Shell in an Ah-Tak Va'a.


Huahineboy on January 16, 2010

I have confirmation of my friend. The opt's vaa is a ah-tak vaa.
Shell have a jean wong's vaa.
3 weeks before the hawaiki nui vaa, OPT had a jean wong's vaa too but opt has a advertising for batteries and they took a old vaa (the ah tak one). And at this moment, the feeling on this old vaa was very good, so they try both of them and finally they prefer the ah tak one and they won the hawaiki nui 2009 !!!!

Comment by Rambo on January 18, 2010

Lemmy confirmed Ah-tak, edited correction


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