Greg Long powers to finish first in the 2009 Aussie National OC1 Titles at Coff's Harbour. Included are interviews with visiting Hawaiians, Kai and Lauren Bartlett, Aaron Napoleon, Manny Kulukulualani, Pat and Ryan Dolan.
Woolgoolga to Coff's OC1 Aussie Nats 2009
The 20 Beaches Classic is the premiere surf ski race of the Aussie Ocean Racing Series. Run from Manly to Palm beach or reverse it usually attracts a huge field including many Olympic paddlers and internationals.
This was a huge amount of work hope you like them, if you do go to the event in 2010, it’s the best paddling holiday on the Planet
DVD's available from the sidebar on the left.
Aussie National Title SC OC1 & OC2 Video
Coff's to Sawtell OC1 & OC2 from Ocean Sports Media on Vimeo.
The best race of the weekends National Titles, 12k downwind to Sawtell. Lot's to study here, see how the best move so gracefully. Labels: oc1, OC2, ocean racing, outrigger, video
SUP Coffs to Sawtell from Ocean Sports Media on Vimeo.
National Titles SUP Downwind Race with Hawaiian OC1 Champ Kai Bartlett, Woggie, Travis Grant and others all on SUP's. Labels: ocean racing, standup, SUP, video
The weather was shit, i got there late, i was supposed to be in Sydney filming the Fenn Cup, but i got some cool footage anyway. Thanks Scotty from Wollongong and Woogie for the additional little SUP session.
SUP Expression Session Demo Day from Ocean Sports Media on Vimeo.
Labels: standup, SUP, video
Bondi to Watson's Bay Ocean Series Race - Video
As you may or may not know i’ve been filming the LG - Bing Lee Surfski Series in Sydney NSW over the past couple of Months and it’s been a real buzz to be part of this exciting racing, so much to learn from these guys.
Here is the latest from Bondi to Watsons Bay.
CHeers Rambo
Ocean Sports Media
Bondi to Watsons Bay LG/Bing Lee Race 2 V2 from Ocean Sports Media on Vimeo.
Labels: racing, SURF SKI, surfski, videoOcean Series Ski Race - Lion Island from Ocean Sports Media on Vimeo.
Probably the most challenging filming i've had to do yet, like riding a
bucking bronco on water. All shot from a Jet Ski last weekend.
Tim Jacobs has taken out the Lion Island Challenge for the third year in a row. The lanky carpenter from Freshwater Beach cemented his dominance over Sydney's paddling scene in challenging condition..
Ocean Sports Media

I had so much fun shooting this, Guy Leech was the perfect gentlemen allowing me full access to mount a GoPro Cam on his ski and granting an interview later. Leechy had an encounter with the "bommie" at Long Reef (see the video) and made for great viewing and discussion after the race.
A very close finish with Jeremy cotter just pipping Tim Jacobs on the run up too the line with Shannon Eckstein 3rd and in the womans race Hayley Bateup proved too strong for Former Molokai Champ Jasmin Kelly with 2 time Olympian Yander Nossiter 3rd.
Cheers Rambo
Molokai ski veteran Kirsty Holmes on racing in the Fenn Cup Downwind Ski Series starting 26th Sept.
Kirsty, a two-time Australian Ironwoman and 2003 Molokai champion is a regular on the World Surf Ski Race scene. Kirsty is off to the Carribbean SurfSki Tour this month so will miss the 1st race of the Fenn Cup.
Clint Robinson on Ocean Racing - The Future
I spoke to Clint Robinson last weekend and this is what he had to say about the future of Ocean Racing, it appears things are moving in this direction already with the Fenn Cup Downwind Series and the Bing Lee/LG Ocean Series kicking off in a few weeks time as well as numerous races running around the world this coming year. He had some other interesting things to say about the Molokai race and views on other things as well, but this clip is primarily to do with the Future of Ocean Racing.
Clint's time is committed to junior SLSA six days a week for now, but said he's still keen on getting back on the water competitively soon.
Row For Cancer - 2009 from Rambos Locker on Vimeo.
Welcome to the fourth annual Health Foundation Row For Cancer. This event was held on the 5th September 2009 continuing the Sunshine Coast Health Foundation's fundraising campaign to support local cancer patients. Combining sun, sand and the beautiful Maroochy River the event draws hundreds of competitors from as far away as Townsville to compete in surf boat, outrigger, and ski races for impressive prize money … and a cause that touches us all.Mooloolaba Outrigger Canoe Club and Rambos' Locker are proud to be Supporters of Row For Cancer ...... see you all again next year.
Cheers Rambo Labels: cancer, oc1, Oc6 video, SURF SKI

4 Race Ocean Paddling Series
Over $50,000 in cash and prizes to win!
Entries now open online
The series is to be held over 3 weekends, 4 races in total, finishing with an exciting new format for Teams & Doubles known as “The Twist”.
Paddlers will have opportunity to compete in either the 16-20km FENN CUP Downwind Paddle or 8km SKODA CHALLENGE 2 lap Circuit. It’s open to all types of paddle craft including Ocean racing ski’s, SLSA ski’s, plastic ski’s, doubles , Outrigger Canoes OC1s & OC2s and an exciting new category for Stand Up Paddle Boards.
There is over $50,000 in cash and prizes to be given away! Prize money will be up for grabs along with instant cash in the ‘Australian Sports Nutrition HOT SPOT Dash for Cash’. All competitors will be eligible to win numerous lucky door prizes thanks to all our supporting sponsors.
So what are you waiting for? Enter online today!
The team at & Long Reef SLSC
I will be filming the event from a Jetski and land and
a video of the races will be posted online at and
Support these Downwind Races, they are the most fun you can have on the Ocean.
This is a little TimeLapse i did on the Std Model GoPro Wide, NOT the HD model which is not available yet. That is actually my backyard.
Amazing what you can get out of these little cams. I'm doing a few Beach/Outrigger TimeLapses over the next few days, post here when there done.
Cheers Rambo Labels: GoPro, TimeLapse
If you're a follower of my blog you would know my POV or on-canoe mounted cameras are GoPro Cameras and that they do a fantastic job in their role as a Fully Waterproof camera. Well guess what? .... I'm really excited to announce that GoPro are releasing a High Definition model with improve features ... the full story below.
The GoPro HD still has the killer 170 degree wide angle lens and will have three recording resolutions: 1080p (1980 x 1080), 960p (1280×960, so it’s similar to 720p but at 4:3 ratio), and 720p (1280 x 720). What’s even better is the camera can record 720p at double speed 60 FPS for buttery smooth high-def slow motion deliciousness. Here are the full video specs with bitrates, please note bitrates may change in final production version:
* 1080P 1980×1080 30 fps @12 Mbps
* 960P 1280×960, 30 fps @ 10 Mbps
* 720P 1280×720, 30 fps @ 7.5 Mbps
* 720P 1280×720, 60 fps @ 15 Mbps
The GoPro HD has a completely redesigned power system. The new power design includes a 1100 maH Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery pack. This provides greatly improved battery life over the original GoPro Wide series, especially in cold weather and cold water environments. This new battery pack should provide 2-3 hours of record time, and you can always pack extra batteries as well.
The camera will accept up to a 32gb SDHC card, which is good knowing the massive file sizes that 1080p video will produce. The video compression format is H.264, a great universal format for HD video.
In addition we’ve heard rumors of a wireless remote. There will also be an LCD "backpack" that you can clip on to the back of the camera and a battery attachment for increased recording time.
Exciting stuff, the only downside is longer editing time with the HD footage but will be worth it and will integrate perfectly into the Hi Def footage i shoot with my JetSki Rig. The 1280 x 720p 60frames per second is what excites me.
Price is being touted as US$299.
Should have a unit for testing soon.
This puts GoPro so far ahead of their competition as the most affordable, FULLY WATERPROOF High Def Camera on the market period.
GoPro you guys are Legends.....
Cheers Rambo
It was a pleasure to have Hawaiian legend Nappy Napoleon steer our crew from Papua New Guinea - Konedobu Kanu Klab at the 2009 Hamilton Cup. How many people can say they took this line along the bottom of Dent Island and got away with? He truly deserves the title "Channel Master" after 52 Molokai Hoe Crossings. Thank you Nappy, Anona and grandson Rigg, we enjoyed your company. Also thank you to Brendon and the Boys of the KKK , i think we all learnt something eh.
Cheers Rambo
It's also on Youtube in good Quality
Extracted from my full video - One of the Outriggers canoes takes a big hit on the Crossing for Cancer paddle. If you want better quality go to Youtube hit HQ and the full screen button and watch in LARGE.
You can watch the full video here
Cheers Rambo
Let's look at the cold hard Facts about cold water immersion. I think everyone needs to be aware of this information regardless of where they paddle.
Crossing For Cancer 2009 - Across Bass Strait in an Outrigger Canoe from Ocean Sports Media on Vimeo.
2009 crossing of Bass Strait (Australia to Tasmania - 375km) in an Outrigger canoe, raising approx $30k for Cancer Research and honoring two worthy men, Chris Robinson the original Skipper of the famous Greenpeace "Rainbow Warrior" (which the French Secret Service blew up in New Zealand in 1985). Chris passed away before we left, he was to be our Support boat Skipper. The other is Peter Corbishley, who makes the Outrigger Connection Mirage canoe here in Australia. Pete has cancer and paddled the entire Crossing.
If you like inspirational stories, adventure action with fun and beautiful remote islands, follow us as we relive the Crossing and raise awareness for Cancer Research.
Watch out for the big “hit” on the red canoe in slow-mo on the Deal Island to Killiecrankie leg.
UPDATE : 2014 Pete Corbishley amazingly has beaten his cancer and lives life to fullest.
It's the Women's turn for the 37km Round Raro Pacific Cup and what a close battle it is all the way. Don't the Girls just love their racing.
Hope you enjoy it, you're welcome to leave a comment if you do.
As always - Start the video then pause it, make a cuppa and let it fully load. Then you can play it as many times as you like for only one download as long as you don’t close the window.
Cheers Rambo Labels: Oc6 video, racing, vaka eiva, video
Another Episode in the Vaka Eiva 2008 series of videos. This was so much fun to shoot and edit, hope you enjoy it.
Held at picturesque Muri Lagoon, the sprint events are always keenly contested but most importantly, a huge amount of fun!! The World Famous “pop the ama” competition is a blast as are the "Boat Races".
The paddlers love this day and it sets the mood for the "Muri Mingler" party that nite on the beach.
Leave a comment if you like it.
Cheers Rambo Labels: Oc6 video, racing, vaka eiva, video
A re -up of j.outpaddlin's Molokai Surfski Solo from the year 2000. See if you can recognize the paddlers, i see Marty and Grant Kenny, Rod Taylor, Tim Jacobs and many others. Also checkout the surf ski's from that era, wow have we come a long way. The intro is Oc1, but 95% of the footage is vintage ski. Thanks Jacques
Cheers Rambo
Vaka Eiva 2008 Mens 37k Round Raro Changeover
Ok here is the next one, the biggie, The Men's 37km Round Raro Change-Over.
This is a ripper. I suggest you download it in HQ and have your own copy. It's a 351 Mb MP4 file, video is 30 mins long.
Copy and paste this in your browser and save the file or right click and save as.
If you just want to watch it then play below but it's still a 100mb download.
Well it's just over a week to go before i head off to Melbourne Victoria, for a 17 day Crossing of Bass Strait between Australia and Tasmania in an Outrigger canoe. Will it be cold? (i hate cold weather) Will we make it?..... The distance doesn't faze me (350k) having paddled the 404k of the Red Cross Murray Marathon in 5 days, but that is one wild and unpredictable ocean out there.
You will be able to track our progress with 10 min GPS positional updates on a Google Earth map here and on the Crossing for Cancer website thanks to Ian Vitch, manager of P.I. Plus P/L the Australian distributors of SPOT GPS Messenger who has provided us with a Tracking GPS and online user account.
For more info go to the Crossing for cancer website
To Track us in real time check this link
And if you would like to support this Crossing with goods for the Auction or donate money to the Charity , please contact me on the email above.
Cheers Rambo
This week I'm going to start posting the video's from Vaka Eiva 2008 starting with the Womens 12k OC1 Race.
The Series contains -
- Women Oc1, Oc6 Iron and changeover race
- Men Oc1 - Oc6 iron and changeover race
- Sprints, Blessings and presentations
- Fun and Games and the Boiler Swim.

Here is the first video in the Series, The Womens 12k OC1 Race
I went to the wrong starting location so i missed my Jet Ski video platform to follow the entire race, by the time i got through traffic to the right location the event had already started.... bugger. This clip was shot from the bank of the river near the Noosa Bar and at the finish line.
By popular demand. Fully Stabilized and Zoomed Footage of Clint Robinson's final 4 mins of the Doctor Race for Technique and Surfing analysis.
Cheers Rambo Labels: racing, SURF SKI, training techniques, video
Guy's, i've used these for the past 2 years and they have helped me improve my understanding of paddling immensely. Feel free to download them from my Knowledge box and i hope they help you as much as they have helped me.
Just right click and save to your hard drive.
Arthur Lydiard Training
Wind and Waves
Cheers Rambo
I'm constantly working on ways to improve video footage shot from moving boats or Jet Ski's. I've written a script for my camera program to stabilize extremely shaky footage, and I'm happy to say it works fantastic considering the boat is moving at 25 - 30 kph and the camera is hand held in a fig rig.
This next short video sample is a split screen format with the original footage on the left and the Stabilized on the right.
Cheers Rambo
The Doctor - Surf Ski World Series Race
Surf Ski world Cup in smashing style, the man is a machine. This video
showcases the event and what ever you do don't miss the final 5 mins of
"Robbo" smashing it on runner after runner..... it's awesome.
Filmed and Produced by Rambo
Thibert Lussiaa has asked me to help promote this race both here and around the world. He knows we are forming a Va'a Association in Oz and now have craft available here through Zulu and wants paddlers to register their interest in this race. He tells me that lot's of Tahitian Top paddlers have agreed to support the event and Marsh "Tiger" Taylor has a new V1 being made especially for Ocean racing at this event that is much shorter than the sprinting V1.
Va'a Kane
The Ultimate battle of Champions V1 and OC1 a show down!!!.
-Pro Division ( Invitation only)
-Open Class Division... Kane and Wahine
June 6th and 7th. The Big Island of Hawaii, the Home of the Goddess Pele
The Va'a Kane is the Ultimate paddling event, Two days of Racing...Two different disciplines...Two different race courses and conditions...This is a timed event on each day and time from both days will determine the Ultimate Champion (Pro and Open Division)
-Day 1, June 6th is a V1 (Rudderless) race from Honokohau Harbor to finish at Keauhou Bay. 12 miles flat water race.
-Day 2, June 7th is a OC1 (Rudder) race from Keokea Beach park to Mahukona Launch. 14+ miles of Open Ocean water
Unique: Competitors must use a V1 (Rudderless) Va'a on day 1 and an OC1 (Rudder) Va'a on day 2.... No Exceptions!!!
One Champion...This event will define who is the best paddler in the World.
Much More race details along with web site and info out SOON!!
Race contacts:
Thibert Lussiaa (808) 895-1962 or
Mike Field (808) 896-6445 or
Mike Nakachi (808) 640-3871 or
From Tiger re the new Va'a
This canoe is an entirely new model. Like the old sprint model, the hull comes from va’a builder Philippe Bernardino of Tahiti. Its made for open water conditions. Smaller in volume, as the sprint model used in the IVF sprints is considered large, it has more rocker and no “V” through the center of the hull. It is looser and more maneuverable. The cockpit is high to keep water out. The canoe will have a skirt if one chooses.
Cheers Rambo
Frazer Coast SM Ladies NAIL @ the Nats -Video
This is one of the best turns i have ever seen, perfect timing, simple technique, not over powered.
The ass of that Mirage BURNS
My new Camera Rig for shooting from a Jet Ski
This is what i’m using to shoot Karel Jr with from the Jet Ski. Purpose built for shooting Hi Def from a Jet Ski, with 7” external framing monitor, remote control zoom/record with TOSLINK fibre optic extender,1080i Hi Def Cam 2hr recording to SD Card, 4 hrs external battery pack. Comes with waterproof covers for the cam, monitor and remote.
Don’t be fooled by the little cam, it’s basically just a big Hi Def Bullet Cam, no moving parts and an awesome optical stabilization system.
A 12v battery in the bum bag runs the big monitor and the Cam. It has an 8.4v regulator in line to the HF100 and full 12v to the monitor.
The base of wheel has a 3/8 adapter to take a Gyro Stabilizer, but at $2500 …… well have to sell some DVD’s first. But i hired one and it’s awesome. It spins at 20,000rpm and trying to turn the wheel is like fighting a Formula 1 car around a corner, but dead steady footage even when the jet-ski bounces.
The monitor is already splash proof, the cam has a clear WP bag with glass port and the remote has just a clear bag (Not shown). It’s not for IN water only ON water. The cam bag had to have a breather as it generates heat, but that’s no problem. It’s definitely more versatile than a shoulder mount and more stable.
On mild days when there's little chance of getting the Cam wet, i just put a ziploc bag over the Cam with a hole for the lens and a small breather hole cut in the top of the bag. There is a UV filter for protection and a rubber band keeps the bag in place around the filter. Other times i put the Cam into a housing i adapted from an Everready 6v waterproof torch and mount that to the tripod head with the quick connect tripod mount.
The cam is secured inside the housing by foam inserts.The Canon HF 100 fit's perfectly into the area where the battery was and i have replaced the original torch lens with a low iron glass. Cables are routed thru a small rubber port in the torch housing to connect the extn monitor, extn power and fibre optic remote cable.
That is about prototype 10, i keep changing it all the time. I have clip on mounts for duel lights, external shotgun mike and a laser pointer and the best thing is, all the cam controls are available with both hands on the wheel and that is important for steady footage.
I suppose i should explain the Laser pointer. It helps train your coordination to keep a steady position even when bouncing around on the back of a Jet Ski. You aim it at say a white area on the hull of a canoe and try and maintain the spot in the monitor, especially when zoomed in. It also allows you to take your eyes off the monitor for a while, knowing that if you hold the spot, you have the framing you set up.
How it's made
The wheel is made from flexible 25mm poly pressure pipe and joined at the bottom with a copper "T" piece and riveted together. The Tripod head fits over the single end of the "T" and is also riveted in place.( The Slik tripod head still works as normal and the whole wheel will attach to a tripod just by screwing it on to the normal tripod screw mount via an adapter thread on the bottom of the wheel)
A car steering wheel cover is then stretched over the pipe for looks and to hide all the cables. The monitor clamp is adapted from a bike handle bar mount that comes with a GoPro Camera kit i had. Car DVD Monitor mounts will also work.As i only use the Monitor for framing not focusing (i only use auto focus), the Sony DVD Car Accessory monitor is sufficient for my needs. Actually, its very good resolution and has good brightness controls. It's connected via av (composite) and works in playback or record mode.
I use the remote control to steer the Jet Ski while facing rearwards. .... Only kidding. I engage a driver and i sit facing the rear and shoot both sides and rear. Also turn around and stand and shoot over the drivers head. The wheel gives great stability control and you can access the remote with both hands on the wheel. You can see some footage here.
That was my first time using the wheel, I have got better since and when i use the Gyro, it's steady as a rock. Requires good team work and communication between the Jet Ski driver and the Cam operator ..(me)
Ok, here are the pictures of version 12 ..whew. Will i ever leave this thing alone.
The HF100 is fully "dunk" proof now and the case looks less like a torch housing with the handle removed and painted. For on land shots, i just remove the glass screw on front and replace it with one with no glass.
The Button on top is a waterproof cable gland adapted to work as a power button to turn the Camera on and off. so now most all the controls are available from out side the case.
There is a tripod quick release mount fixed to the base of the housing for easy removal.
Cheers Rambo
Permanently Preventing Fogging of the GoPro Lens
I'm currently testing a few permanent solutions to fogging internally of the "Wide Angle" GoPro Lens. Nothing peeves me more than excitedly loading the days footage into the PC, only to find 40mins of it is engulfed in fog and useless, especially as i know there were some hooten' runs on it.
Here is what I'm testing and why it will work.
Protective Vents provide continuous airflow in sealed housings without allowing contaminants to enter because of the proprietary expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane in the vent. This unique ePTFE membrane has a low surface tension, so it repels liquids, such as water, oil, and surfactants, as well as preventing dust, dirt, and other environmental contaminants from entering the housing.
You will need to drill a small hole in the case (about 3mm, i will be able to give you the tested location) and glue or press fit one of these little vents in the picture below. The alternative is to drill the same hole size and glue a stick on piece of the vent fabric over the hole. I like the first option better as it's permanent but just have to be sure there is no interference with the cam in the case.I will have some feedback on the results in a couple of days. But test so far indicate it is a bloody ripper.
Cheers Rambo