I had so much fun shooting this, Guy Leech was the perfect gentlemen allowing me full access to mount a GoPro Cam on his ski and granting an interview later. Leechy had an encounter with the "bommie" at Long Reef (see the video) and made for great viewing and discussion after the race.
A very close finish with Jeremy cotter just pipping Tim Jacobs on the run up too the line with Shannon Eckstein 3rd and in the womans race Hayley Bateup proved too strong for Former Molokai Champ Jasmin Kelly with 2 time Olympian Yander Nossiter 3rd.
Cheers Rambo
Molokai ski veteran Kirsty Holmes on racing in the Fenn Cup Downwind Ski Series starting 26th Sept.
Kirsty, a two-time Australian Ironwoman and 2003 Molokai champion is a regular on the World Surf Ski Race scene. Kirsty is off to the Carribbean SurfSki Tour this month so will miss the 1st race of the Fenn Cup.
Clint Robinson on Ocean Racing - The Future
I spoke to Clint Robinson last weekend and this is what he had to say about the future of Ocean Racing, it appears things are moving in this direction already with the Fenn Cup Downwind Series and the Bing Lee/LG Ocean Series kicking off in a few weeks time as well as numerous races running around the world this coming year. He had some other interesting things to say about the Molokai race and views on other things as well, but this clip is primarily to do with the Future of Ocean Racing.
Clint's time is committed to junior SLSA six days a week for now, but said he's still keen on getting back on the water competitively soon.
Row For Cancer - 2009 from Rambos Locker on Vimeo.
Welcome to the fourth annual Health Foundation Row For Cancer. This event was held on the 5th September 2009 continuing the Sunshine Coast Health Foundation's fundraising campaign to support local cancer patients. Combining sun, sand and the beautiful Maroochy River the event draws hundreds of competitors from as far away as Townsville to compete in surf boat, outrigger, and ski races for impressive prize money … and a cause that touches us all.Mooloolaba Outrigger Canoe Club and Rambos' Locker are proud to be Supporters of Row For Cancer ...... see you all again next year.
Cheers Rambo Labels: cancer, oc1, Oc6 video, SURF SKI

4 Race Ocean Paddling Series
Over $50,000 in cash and prizes to win!
Entries now open online
The series is to be held over 3 weekends, 4 races in total, finishing with an exciting new format for Teams & Doubles known as “The Twist”.
Paddlers will have opportunity to compete in either the 16-20km FENN CUP Downwind Paddle or 8km SKODA CHALLENGE 2 lap Circuit. It’s open to all types of paddle craft including Ocean racing ski’s, SLSA ski’s, plastic ski’s, doubles , Outrigger Canoes OC1s & OC2s and an exciting new category for Stand Up Paddle Boards.
There is over $50,000 in cash and prizes to be given away! Prize money will be up for grabs along with instant cash in the ‘Australian Sports Nutrition HOT SPOT Dash for Cash’. All competitors will be eligible to win numerous lucky door prizes thanks to all our supporting sponsors.
So what are you waiting for? Enter online today!
The team at oceanpaddler.com & Long Reef SLSC
I will be filming the event from a Jetski and land and
a video of the races will be posted online at Surfski.info and Oceanpaddler.com
Support these Downwind Races, they are the most fun you can have on the Ocean.